Visa Star

Head Office : Suite 1, 99 Davies Ave, Sunshine North, VIC 3020, Australia.  Email :

Head Office : Suite 1, 99 Davies Ave, Sunshine North, VIC 3020, Australia.  Email :

Visitor Visas

Australia Visitor Visa is For Two Main Type of Applicants

a) For visit only, that may include vacationing, recreational activities, visiting an Australian resident family member, medical treatment etc,

b) For business activities that may include making general business or government enquiries, business negotiations, government visits, attending conferences, seminars, job interviews or professional examinations.

In addition to above there are some other special categories for visitor visas too.

Every visa has different requirements and eligibility criteria. Visa grant depends upon the quality of evidences provided with application and here comes Visa Star to help you in your visitor visa applications

Visitor visa, subclass 600:

This visa is meant for visiting family friends or business purpose and may be granted for up to three, six or twelve months.

Australian Citizen, Australian Residence and Eligible New Zealand Citizen can sponsor applicants 600 visa.

The eVisitor visa sub-class 651:

The applicant must be a passport holder of a certain country as specified in a list issued by Department of Home Affairs.

The Electronic Travel Authority visa subclass 601 :

This is issued to a passport holder of a certain country as specified in a list issued by Department of Home Affairs.

Medical treatment visa subclass 602 :

The purpose of this visa is to allow applicant to visit Australia.

  • For medical treatment or consultations.
  • To support someone needing medical treatment who holds or has applied for this visa.
  • To donate an organ.
Special program subclass 416 visa :

Usually, this visa is sought in case of special programs where an approved special program sponsor has sent an invitation to participate in a specifically approved program. The purpose is to enhance international relations and cultural exchange between Australian community and the world at large.

In addition to the Special Program, the Special Program visa (subclass 416) has another stream called Seasonal Worker Program.

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