Visa Star

Permanent Protection Visas

Permanent Protection

If you arrive in Australia legally, you can apply for a Protection visa Subclass 886

With this visa, you can:

  • live, work and study in Australia permanently
  • sponsor eligible family members for permanent residence through the offshore Humanitarian Program

You must meet the following requirements:

  • You, or a member of your family, must engage Australiaโ€™s protection obligations
  • You must have arrived legally in Australia on a valid visa
  • You must meet all other visa requirements including health, character and security

You must have arrived in Australia on a valid visa and be immigration cleared on arrival.

Be a refugee or engage Australiaโ€™s complementary protection as defined by the Migration Act 1958 (Migration Act), you must:

  • be a refugee or
  • meet the complementary protection criteria

Australia is obliged to ensure refugees are not returned to a place where they are likely to face persecution for one of the five refugee grounds under the Act.


Australia must not return people to their home country where they engage complementary protection obligations under the Act.

Meet identity requirements

Not be barred from lodging a protection visa application.

Meet security requirements

As part of the application process, the department will assess whether you meet Australiaโ€™s security requirements for the grant of a protection visa.

You should not have held any of these visas :

  • Temporary Protection visa (subclass 785)
  • Temporary Safe Haven visa (subclass 449)
  • Temporary (Humanitarian Concern) visa (subclass 786)
  • Safe Haven Enterprise visa (subclass 790)

Must meet health requirements


Must meet character requirements

Sign the Australian values statement

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